
Dermot’s Blog: My Pledge

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Freedom Studios has been a part of my life since at least 2012 when I worked as an actor on Street Voices 4, and as we gear up for the 9th iteration of the same scheme, I’m reminded of just how unique the scheme is.

A huge thank you to those of you near and far who have offered congratulations – it really means the world. To have taken the reins from the friends, colleagues, champions and mentors that Alex and Aisha are and continue to be, isn’t to be sniffed at and I hope to do good whilst I’m here.

To that end, I will make a few pledges to the company, to Bradford, to artists and to myself.

To the company, I pledge that I will do all that I can to ensure you will stay true to your brilliant mission, that of being ‘the home for new and experienced artists in Bradford with a view to bringing together audiences and communities by creating new work and other opportunities for them to engage with the arts.’

To Bradford, I pledge to ensure that wherever possible Freedom Studios will speak to, with and for you. The winning of City of Culture means that there are eyes on this city like never before and I pledge to ensure that those eyes see as much of Bradford, and its stories as possible. I pledge to ensure that all voices that wish to, will have a seat at the table. I will aim to write one of these blogs each month to let you know what’s going on – if you sign up to the mailing list you’ll be amongst the first to know…

To artists, I pledge to open more opportunity wherever possible. I pledge to ensure that Freedom Studios – as an entity –  knows more of you especially if you are in possession of a hallowed BD postcode – to that end we have started to populate this database for actors… please feel free to sign up.

I pledge that for all formal applications there is feedback available should you want it (and that that process is as inclusive and accessible as possible). It is monumentally difficult to develop as an artist unless there is feedback. Sometimes it mightn’t be the feedback you wish to hear and is always one opinion of many BUT if there is enough feedback from enough angles, artists get better. I pledge to do this and challenge others to do the same.

To myself, I pledge to be kind and as open as I can be to the new experiences, stories and people that I’m looking forward to meeting during my tenure.

Till July… you stay classy Bradford!

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