We are delighted to be starting as the new co-Artistic Directors of Freedom Studios. To introduce ourselves:
Alex is a director and dramaturg* – some of you may have met her during her 12 year stint at West Yorkshire Playhouse in charge of all things New Writing. Her most recent production is Nine Lives by Zodwa Nyoni currently on a tour of the UK.
Aisha is a playwright, director and dramaturg – she directed Bollywood for Dummies for Freedom Studios and has been leading on Street Voices for the company for the last 6 months. She has written plays for West Yorkshire Playhouse, Slung Low, Royal Exchange Theatre and BBC Radio.
We are keen to build on the excellent work Freedom Studios has done developing artists and making productions with and for Bradford. And we’ve got some exciting plans we’d like to share with you soon. But first we want to hear all about YOU – what you are doing, what things you are making or are interesting in doing and seeing.
We’ll be having an open meeting/afternoon tea at the Pavilion café in Bradford City Park on Saturday 3 October between 2 and 4pm. Do drop in, have a chat, let us know what you want for Bradford. We’ll also be talking about our Youth Theatre, Brief Encounters at Bradford Interchange, (performing 6-10th October) and some revolutionary future ideas. Come join us. Together we can eat cake.
See you soon,
Alex and Aisha
* what is a dramaturg I hear you ask? A dramaturg is the person who helps writers, and others, make their plays. A bit of a sounding-board-come-ideas person.
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