
Introduction to Directing

FS Blog 2

Freedom Studios will host a series of free weekly workshops for those interested in theatre directing. Interested applicants must be over the age of 18 with little or no experience of directing for the theatre. The course is aimed at people of colour. We particularly welcome applicants from the Bradford area.

The workshops will cover areas such as:
• What it means to be a director
• Working with actors
• Working with a text
• Working in different spaces
• Routes into making a career as a director

It will give participants the chance to learn in a relaxed, fun and open environment.

The course will be run by Freedom Studios Trainee Artistic Director Kash Arshad, as well as other industry professionals. The workshops will be held on six consecutive Sundays from 4th February to 11th March, 10am – 5pm at Freedom Studios in Bradford City Centre. Lunch will be provided and travel expenses will be covered. Applicants must be available for all dates.

The Introduction to Directing is funded by Arts Council England through Sustain Funding which aims to support the development of established and emerging Black and minority ethnic theatre makers and to increase the representation of Black and minority ethnic theatre makers across the wider theatre sector in England.

More details about the initiative can be found on the Artistic Directors Leadership Programme website: https://www.adleadership.co.uk/leaders

To apply, please email kash@freedomstudios.co.uk, with RTYDS in the subject line, telling us a little bit about yourself, what you hope to gain from the course, and what, if any experience you have in theatre. Please don’t worry if you don’t have any, that won’t count against you, just tell us about what you have been doing and why theatre interests you.

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