
Week Five – The Playful Peach Period

Tuesday April 16th

What happened to Week Four you might ask?  Well, the snow happened. Chaos ensued and Undercliffe Tales took a short break. But we’re back after the Easter break, energised and ready to start work on creating our show.
We’ve entered into the ‘Playful Peach’ period of the project where we get to devise with the students. It will be a really creative time as we explore and slowly put together the elements of the final piece. We will be invitingvarious artists to work with the students on movement and design, gradually putting flesh on to the bones of ideas we started to shape over the Easter break. Not to give too much away but if you spliced A Midsummer’s Night Dream with The Evil Dead you’d be getting close. Or not.

The best aspect of this work is that it’s ever-changing and unpredictable. In the end the students will decide on the details of the show. We’re just there to help them make their ideas a reality.
I mean, Shakera and Tom could have had no idea that today’s session on movement would yield up some incredible ape performances, or that the word ‘pea’ could be so problematic and prove to be a stumbling block in the sudden death final to a warm up game. We’re doing better with the language barriers of the new to English students but there’ll always be something…

Anyways. It’s good to be back and I can’t wait for what the next session will bring. Not quite knowing what will happen is exciting. But I’m pretty sure there’ll be some MJ inspired moves and maybe a song from Bieber. Got to love it!

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